Ramaphosa’s top 7 quotes as he introduces his new dawn
President Cyril Ramaphosa put the economy centre stage in his address to the nation on Wednesday night when he announced a trimmer national executive, cutting the number of ministries from 36 to 28. Here are his top 7 quotes:
1. On the Economy
“All South Africans are acutely aware of the great economic difficulties our country has been experiencing and the constraints this has placed on public finances. It is therefore imperative that in all areas and spheres of government, we place priority on revitalising our economy while exercising the greatest care in the use of public funds.”
2. On Trimming the Cabinet
“It is critical that the structure and size of the state is optimally suited to meet the needs of the people and ensure the most efficient allocation of public resources. In undertaking this review, we have been guided by the need to build a modern developmental state that has the means to drive economic and social transformation, to embrace innovation and to direct effort and resources towards where they will have the greatest impact.”
3. On Improving Efficiency
“To promote greater coherence, better coordination and improved efficiency, we have combined a number of portfolios, thereby reducing the number of ministers from 36 to 28.”
4. On Meeting Expectations
“The people who I am appointing today must realise that the expectations of the South African people have never been greater and that they will shoulder a great responsibility.”
5. On Accountability
“[The performance of Ministers] – individually and collectively – will be closely monitored against specific outcomes. Where implementation is unsatisfactory, action will be taken.”
6. On Demographics
“These men and women we have appointed have been drawn from all corners of our country. For the first time in the history of the country, half of all our ministers are women.”
7. On Young Leaders
“We have also included a significant number of young people. This is in fulfillment of our commitment to giving young people roles of responsibility in all sectors of society. This is part of a generational transition in which we are creating a pipeline of leaders to take our country further into the future.”
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