Amileader: Personal brand – from class leader to successful man
Loving and far-sighted fathers and mothers take care of the child’s life from early childhood – from the first developmental toy to the lyceum with in-depth study of mathematics, physics or foreign languages. Unfortunately, almost always one key point falls out of this chain – a personal brand on the Internet. Many do not even think about how important he is from a very young age. But the time has come to change everything. And the creators of Amileader – a system for creating and promoting a personal brand – will help you with this.
The stable successful future of their son is a priority task for parents, for which they spare no effort and money. Of course, education and self-confidence will help pave the way in life. But, there are quite a few competitors with the same starting capabilities. Only one thing will help to get around them – a personal brand – an information field on the Internet, which will form the best impression about a young man from any person who has googled his name.
Amileader system is a tool for achieving success
It is a mistake to think that a personal brand matters only for adult men and women, for stars and celebrities. The sooner you start filling the Internet with positive information about a person, the more chances he has for success, the sooner this success will come. Indeed, today, every employer, HR manager, and potential business partner will definitely google the name of the person with whom he is going to enter into business relations. While your son is a schoolboy or student, it’s time to create a base for him – there will be articles about him on the Internet, which will fill the first page of Google, presenting your son from the most advantageous sides. Such a result will immediately make the necessary impression, it will cause admiration, trust, respect. Moreover, a personal brand will work this way not in the distant future, but today, providing your son with a special status among his peers. In a school class, among classmates, in any team and in a company, a personal brand will help him stand out from the crowd, make him interesting in the eyes of friends and teachers. Changing school or moving to another team, joining any new team, a teenager will immediately take a worthy place in it and even become a leader if he can rely on a promoted personal brand. A personal brand on the Internet and when applying to a prestigious university will become a competitive advantage. And years later, after graduation, a personal brand will open many doors for your son – it will give privileges for career growth in front of those who did not take care of creating a personal brand in time.
The formation of such an information field on the Internet is a task for professionals. The Amileader system is a development of the Amillidius advertising company, based on many years of experience in creating and promoting a personal brand for clients of all ages, plus modern marketing tools. The Amillidius team of specialists will help you to choose the right direction for creating a personal brand and determine what will become the basis for future articles, and what image will be promoted on the Internet. His hobbies will become a reference point – from photography to painting, from modeling to running his own blog. Material for articles can be achievements in sports or victories in competitions in computer games, participation in creative competitions and festivals, shooting an amateur film, a self-developed business project, and much more. Amileader’s range of services also includes the creation of news feeds for publications. For example, if your son dreams of a television career, we can arrange to shoot interviews with famous personalities – this will be the reason for articles about him. For those who want to try themselves as a model and make this image the basis of their personal brand, we organize photo sessions, followed by publication in gloss or fashion shows at our partners’ fashion shows. Over time, if desired, the direction of development of a personal brand can be changed – rebranding, following the example of many celebrities and stars. But most importantly, today, without delay, start creating a personal brand for your son.
How a personal brand works, how the information field around a name helps young talents develop can be seen in examples. Enter these names in the search and Google will show how well they are represented on the Internet.
The virtuoso 19-year-old pianist Ivan Bessonov began to study music at the age of six – his parents developed his personal brand from childhood. Today, numerous media write about the talented young musician, there are many articles on Google about him, his victories in competitions, his first composing experience and much more, attracting more and more fans to him.

Valentin Frechka’s parents also took care of their son’s personal brand back in his school years, when the boy was just thinking about creating eco-paper from fallen leaves.
Young Valentin’s project, his participation and victory in the Olympiad in ecology, conferences and competitions were actively covered on the Web. Today Valentin is already 20, Forbes and Vogue write about him, and he himself collaborates with large world companies and makes millions.

Impressive image of your son on Google – starting to build a personal brand with Amileader
In order for Google to also be able to recommend your son well, the Amileader system has been created. We will form a base of 10 articles, which will describe his talents and hobbies, and present all his achievements. Anyone who enters his name and surname in the search will see these publications. To achieve this result, the work of a team of specialists from the advertising company Amillidius and the involvement of third-party resources are required. The starting price of such a basic Amileader service starts from 2-2.5 thousand dollars. It includes:
- creation of the personal brand concept;
- creation by SEO-specialists and marketers of terms of reference for journalists for writing articles;
- photo and video processing – formation of a base of visual content necessary for the design of publications;
- writing articles according to the terms of reference by journalists and copywriters;
- SEO-optimization and promotion of articles on the Web;
- selection of Internet media suitable for promoting a personal brand, taking into account the rating and the price for posting articles;
- articles and publication preview approval.
Photo shoots, video filming and the organization of any other events necessary for the formation of the information field are paid separately.
Personal brand according to the Amileader system is the best gift for a growing up son
When the beginning has been made, we can move on. After all, a personal brand must be developed, periodically filling the information field with new publications. Such promotion will be especially effective if you use the rating media, world-famous Internet publications. The first in the list of such prestigious Internet resources can be safely considered Forbes – an article in it will give a personal brand special significance. Of course, the price for such publications is already much higher – it will range from several thousand to tens of thousands of dollars in Forbes in different countries. However, these investments should be viewed as promising investments in your son’s reputation, fame, relevance and well-being in his strong personal brand.
By creating a personal brand for your child using the Amileader system, you increase the chances of his successful tomorrow and help him stand out from the crowd and become a leader among peers today!