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Chicago’s $15 minimum wage for most workers takes effect

Chicago's $15 minimum wage for most workers takes effect


Chicago’s $15 minimum wage for most workers takes effect

Minimum wage: Why Biden wants to raise it and its effect on the economyPresident Biden is pushing to raise the minimum wage to $15. Here’s how that would affect the economy.Just the FAQs, USA TODAYCHICAGO – Chicago’s minimum wage increased to $15 an hour for most workers Thursday. The effort ensures a raise for an estimated 400,000 people in the city, according to officials.Workers at businesses with 21 or more employees will be guaranteed a minimum wage of $15 an hour. Workers at smaller businesses with 4 to 20 employees will see their minimum wage raised to $14 an hour as part of a gradual move to $15 an hour by 2023, according to Chicago City Mayor Lori Lightfoot’s office.All domestic workers – such as housekeepers, nannies, caregivers and more – will receive a minimum wage of $15 an hour beginning on Aug. 1.For tipped workers, the minimum wage rises to $8.40 or $9, depending on the size of the employer, but employers must make up the difference if workers do not make the minimum wage with tips.Opinion: The people of America say raise the minimum wage. Their leaders should listen.Bank of America: Bank will boost minimum wage to $25 an hour for its employees by 2025″Our dedicated workforce deserves to be protected and treated with dignity and respect – especially after the devastating socioeconomic fallout caused by the pandemic,” Lightfoot said in a statement.”Chicago, however, isn’t the only city with workers who have gone far too long without proper protections, so it is my hope and expectation that our members of Congress and national corporate partners join our city and work to implement a federal living wage to give workers all around the country the opportunity to lead financially stable lives,” Lightfoot added.The Illinois minimum wage is $11 an hour for non-tipped workers and is expected to gradually increase to $15 an hour by Jan. 1, 2025.The federal minimum wage is still $7.25 an hour.CEO pay doubled, the minimum wage stayed the same: But Americans still can’t agree on a raiseOpinion: Fight for $15 is the most effective workers movement of this century. Now let’s aim higher.

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