Eskom: Gauteng conduct audits are working, power being restored
Eskom says it has restored power to Gauteng communities that experienced interruptions during its conduct audits on Monday.
Gauteng is an economic hub in SA, but has been experiencing frequent power outages. Some areas in the province, including Soweto, have been the source of illegal connections, which sap the utility of much-needed revenue.
Communities in these areas have rejected prepaid meters, which would bypass this challenge, for years.
In recent weeks, Eskom has promised a crackdown on electricity theft, which it says robs paying customers of access to energy.
In a statement, Eskom senior manager for operations and Maintenance in the Gauteng Operating Unit, Motlhabane Ramashi, said power was restored in some parts of Ivory Park, Diepsloot and Braamfischer, subsequent to successful audit processes being carried out.
“We are of the view that we can build more successes in other areas emulating from these pockets of excellence.
“Furthermore, customers are now metered; they buy tokens from Eskom’s authorised outlets, and we have seen some improvements in the buying patterns. [T]he tamper fine payments are also on an increase and this is encouraging,” said Ramashi.
The statement said Eskom would continue to monitor the infrastructure and electricity payment trends and restore supply in areas to alleviate the network overloading and ensure quality supply of electricity to paying customers.
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